Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is...IT?

 I went to the Sports Medicine Doc last week and am happy to report that my knee x-ray was clear of any injuries.  The doctor feels that I have a common running injury called - Iliotibial Band Syndrome or IBS, hahaha.  He showed me some stretches that allow me to stretch out my IT Band and he wants to do them everyday for 2 weeks, without running, and then once the 2 weeks are up, start running again as well as continuing with stretches and see if the pain subsided.  If it did, then "IBS" was the problem and if it continues, I may need to get an MRI.  

So needless to say I am happy and thankful that I did not injure myself during my marathon debut.  And there may even be another marathon in my future, down the road.  Since my last post, I have been getting into a new routine at the gym including ellipting, weights and even some classes including "bootcamp".  So there are alternatives and I am actually enjoying the change to the everyday running routine that I had been used to.  But I do miss jogging and and I do miss how I feel after completing a 6 miler or something along those lines.  But alas, there is snow on the ground and this is a great time to take a breather and explore other options.  Yoga is also something I am trying to do once a week which is great for me, both mentally and physically.  

On another note, Brian and I have been tackling some house projects such as painting and remodeling our office/guest room.  Since I started this blog and started my training, I also started taking note of all the other things I have been able to complete in my life, from start to finish as well as noting the things that I was not successful with seeing through.  You know what I am talking about, right? Things like finishing a book or a project around the house, or maybe even with keeping in touch with a long time friend!  This blog has helped me connect more with my thoughts and my commitments.  It has turned out to be about much more than just running.  From start to finish seems to have turned into a new way for me to think about my actions and follow through.  I am excited about the projects around the house and seeing the work that goes in as well as the finished product.  I am going to put some pics up soon of our office and show them - from start to finish! I am already proud of my husband's and my commitment to tackle it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The waiting game-

I signed up for the Broad Street Run - the famous 10 miler in Philly.  I have run in it for the passed 3 years and was hoping to make this year my fourth and best Broad Street Run.  I figured, I ran a marathon so 10 miles should not be too difficult... But this was before I started having pain in my knee.  This is before, when I was running free! 

I went to my PCP and he was pretty cool.  He prescribed me an anti-inflammatory to take for 10 days.  Honestly, after only 2 days, the medication messed up my stomach pretty bad so I stopped taking it.  It just didn't seem worth it.  I mean after the second day, I ran and still had knee pain around mile 2.5 but I am not sure how fast it would work if inflammation was the issue... So I have an appt next week @ Rothman Orthopedics.  I will get an x-ray there and hopefully have some answers.  

I need answers. 

I am at the point where I am getting into another routine, gym, tan, laundry - haha just kidding... 
But seriously, I am going to the gym and doing yoga consistently so for now, I am ok with a "break" from jogging.  But I feel like I am at the point where I really want to know what to do about my knee and what is wrong with it.  Is it just a matter of rest or is it something where physical therapy will be needed or worse!  I just want to know!!

And I soon as I know, I will be sure to share...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sitting on the sideline

I have only ran once since my last post and my knee pain was present-big time---

Thankful for a least a fun running partner to distract me from myself! We ran about 3 miles and honestly I did not feel so great.   It just made me realize that rest does not mean "run once in a while and you will be fine", it really means - take a break and don't run!

I go to the doctor tonight and I am wondering what exactly he will say.  He is just my PCP so its not like I will get an MRI or anything like that so I will not be any closer to know what is truly going on below the skin.  That being said, I also have an appointment at Rothman Orthopedics but the only appointment I could get is not for a couple weeks.   But I am happy I at least have the appointment.  It feels like a positive starting point.  I am not sure why I didn't do this when I first felt pain.  I guess just like any addict, I was in denial.  I did not want to accept that something is wrong and that there is a problem.  I think I am Finally realizing that this pain/sensation in my knee is sticking around and I need to talk to a professional about what to do (or what not to do)!

So again, I feel unsettled. I want to run! I love the feeling it gives me and it absolutely helps keep me stay in shape.  I am so envious of the people running outside and even those on the treadmill at the gym.  I look at their healthy knees and scoff at them. I think, they don't know how lucky they are! 
I know, I know, this is not the end of the world and overall I AM healthy.  I know things could be much, much worse.  I have put things into perspective -  However, I feel that it is SO frustrating to find that I found something that I love to do and is good for me and now I am not able to do it.  It stings to see others around town running, while I sit on the sidelines.

I finally used the elliptical and it wasn't that bad.  Kind of boring but so is the treadmill.  I did feel good after though so that helped get me out of my funk a little bit.  The fact that I at least have an appointment with a Sports-Medicine doc also makes me feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  

So, in the meantime Yoga will become a consistent part of my exercise regime as well as ellipting and maybe spinning too.  Lots of core and maybe even some weights! I am trying to be exciting about a new routine rather than pine over my old one. 

One day at a time, one step at a time.  The pavement hasn't seen the last of me.  I shall return!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I need a new drug

Ahh - This running thing.
I thought I could just run a marathon, take a week or 2 off and be back to my old self again.  Running with a new sense of accomplishment and perhaps a spark in my step! 

This however has not been the case.  The times I have run, I feel pain in my knee.  Not right away --  Its about 3 miles in and I start to feel something not quite right on the outside of my right knee and I also feel it in the back of my knee as well.  I bought new sneakers thinking, well I surely wore out my other ones, this has to be the answer to my problem...

Wrong Answer!

Each time I run, around mile 3, a painful reminder is present and tells me that I can't go further. 
I really never thought this would happen.  Was this naive of me to think I could keep running injury free post marathon?  I tried not to think about the knee and it was a little easier during the holidays but now that it is January, it is hard not to think that I could have really messed up my body by running the marathon.  What scares me even more is if I won't be able to run anymore. Am I overreacting?


I have always exercised but running is what did it for me.  Running is the first activity (besides organized sports) that I have been able to commit to long term.  I did join a gym but so far have not been into the ellipting or biking.  I miss Running - leaving my house with only my ipod and not a care in the world.  I always came back home with a clear head and new perspective.  And lately although I have been running a bit, I end up feeling more stressed after because I am scared I am hurting myself more. 

Am I addicted and running is my drug?

 So what to do now--- Well I am not just going to keep running and hurt myself more.  That would not be very smart.  I made an appointment with my doc and hopefully he will point me in the right direction of what to do next.  I am thinking winter is a good time to figure out what is going on and hopefully resolve or deal with whatever the issue is.  But in the mean time, I still need that "healthy" outlet to clear my mind and keep me in shape.  I definitely have been in shape lately and I do not want that to fall to the wayside because of my negativity.  The good news is that 2 of my friends go to the gym I joined and I hope that it will be a way to see them more and also give each other the motivation we need to keep the workouts consistent.  I might try spinning class, which is pretty high energy, and I think I would be good at it.  And I will continue to do yoga as well. 

Well here it goes---

Dear Running,

You have given me many amazing gifts in 2010.  You made me see things differently in my life and showed me strength that I didn't know I had.   I want to keep this relationship going but in order for me to do that I need to take a break and figure out some things.  So,  I may not see you for a bit, but I just wanted to let you know that you will be missed.  But don't worry, I hope to be back soon and will keep going strong the best I can.
