Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Holding my own

Thanks for the comments from my last post. It seems like this journey has brought me to places that I did not expect.   This blog is about my thoughts and lately I have been thinking a lot about my dad so I felt it was important to share. 

 With painting a few rooms in our house, its also brought about some cleaning and is probably one of the reasons I have been thinking about my dad more lately.  I had been looking through some things last week and came upon a few letters that family members wrote me after I requested some stories about my dad. I think I requested this was back when it was the 10 year anniversary of his death. The letters were great though! One trait of his that remained consistent throughout the stories was his boisterous laugh and how he exuded his 'good time attitude' on to others.  I would like to think that I have that similar trait as well and it makes me smile.

Running update: I am scared out of my mind and really went into a panic last night as I dissected my training schedule.  Its intense to say the least.  Seems like the peak of all the miles are in October but September is going to be rough too.  November ironically will be when my runs start to taper so it actually shouldn't be that bad except to know on the 21st I will have to do the big  "26.2"-- I can imagine November is going to be full of nervous energy! Maybe I should clean out more boxes that month or paint another room!  I am trying to take one day at a time instead of looking too far ahead.  Each day of running and training is another check in the success column.  Reminder: Enjoy this moment and every one after of my training - the highs and the lows. 

Today I ran 4 miles with a friend.  The same friend as I ran with on Monday. We again agreed it was a lot easier when running together and we both admitted we might not have done it if left alone to our own devices.  I am happy and grateful to have friends to run with.  I only hope they keep running with me as distances increase. 

After my run, I felt good. I felt positive and clear in my mind.  The anxiety has subsided a bit and I am going to enjoy the rest of this day.  That shouldn't be too hard since I am meeting a good friend to catch up after work!

And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Jason Mraz .


  1. This is excellent. I hear you on the anxiety, we all have our breaking points, but they are necessary. I feel less scared now than I did a week ago and that's because I chose to rise above the negative and all the external stimuli, etc etc. You're doing amazing, woman.

  2. Sharon it's Gina G! I love your blog! It is so inspiring! I haven't ran in some time but because of you I am going to attempt to start running again today!

    When I trained for the 1/2 I read a book by Dean Karnazes ( I think the book was called Ultramarathon Man - secrets of an all night runner) It was a very inspriring book and helped me on some tough training days! he even has a blog on runners world:

    I always liked his quote: May you strive for greatness, may you set your sights on the stars, but more than anything, may you always have the courage to try.

    don't let that anxiety get you worked up simply keep putting one foot in front of another until you cross that finish line! You will do great!
