Friday, August 6, 2010

Running is not a fashion show

Yesterday I ran with my hydration belt for the first time. I was a bit apprehensive about wearing it while running, partly bc I thought it would be uncomfortable and partly bc I think it looks a little silly on me. But it's hot out there and running is not a fashion show so I clipped it on and out I went. To my surprise it was snug and did not bounce like I thought it would. Having water with me while running definitely made a difference in my performance even though it was hot, hot, hot! I felt so great that I didn't even care that the belt sits a little high on my waist and probably looks funny, especially not when I was so thankful to have my h2o! I Ran 4 miles, which took me 40 minutes. It looks like I have been pretty consistent with a 10 minute mile but I know as distance increases, I will need to slow it down.

On another note, my husband and I are finally going on vacation in one week to rehoboth beach. I am so excited to go for jogs by the beach and in the town of rehoboth . I also am looking forward to rest, relaxation and rejuvenation before the beginning of the new school year and before training gets more intense.

Well today is a rest day from running. I am going to go to a yoga class though as it helps so much with stretching and helping me to keep a positive state of mind. Yoga also has taught me to let go of fear, try new things and live more in the moment.

Painting is done also which feels so good. It is a wonderful feeling when accomplishments
have been completed. I have been thinking about painting our bathroom for a long time and finally saw the project through. Crossing it off the list!

Well time to go do laundry. The more I run and exercise the more loads of laundry I have waiting for me!!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you decided to wear the hydration belt even though you thought it looked funny. I've always felt that functionality comes before aesthetics, and this is a perfect example. What good is it to look "good" if you don't feel "good"?

    Kudos on crossing the painting job off of your list. Never a fun job, but the results tend to be worth it.
