Monday, July 26, 2010

Relief, even if for only one day

Even though I have been running for quite a while now, I still get pre-run jitters, especially before a longer run. Questions flow through my mind, will I have enough energy? Will I be able to finish? Will I mentally be able to stay the course?
I usually get these "jitters" most when it is hot or humid. Everything about running becomes even more of a challenge in high temps.
Today was different. I walked out the door and immediately knew it was going to be a good running day. The sweet breeze practically brought me tears of joy. My body was so thankful to feel air and be reminded why I run and that it truly is enjoyable. Weeks of 90-100 degree weather have clouded my mind a bit. I forgot why I loved running an was starting to doubt if I myself and my skills. It was refreshing to have such a positive experience running this morning. As I ran around town I noticed I wasn't the only one feeling relief. Dog walkers, fellow runners, construction workers, all seemed to look a little more at ease today. Hopefully everyone gets to enjoy this weather today in some capacity. Dare I say, please please mother nature, keep it this way for a bit!

6 mile run: minimal hills
ran about a 10 minute mile and felt hydrated throughout. Around mile 5 I did start to feel a little bit of knee pain but as I kept going, it went away. Overall, I felt very good and think I could have kept going!


  1. awesome! glad it's nicer out today!

  2. Nice work! There is nothing like a good weather day to start a run off on the right foot. We got our double jogger this past week and I look forward to one day meeting to run with my two little friends in tow. :-)

  3. I read through your blog yesterday, and I'll have to admit I was inspired. I started to get jealous of your passion to run, and began to reminisce on my running days. Rather than letting myself get jealous, I decided to get inspired.

    This morning I went for a 3 mile run and it felt great. Thanks so much for helping to light the fire behind me, and keep on keepin' on!

    David Sanchez
