Monday, September 6, 2010

Philly on foot never felt so good...

 This weekend the group training run was 14 miles through Philadelphia.  It was a gorgeous day outside and despite nervous jitters, I think it was a success for a majority of the runners.

I am beginning to sound like a broken record but I can't help it - I am so thankful for joining Team Philly.  Knowing that I did not have to set out to run this long distance alone helped in itself and as the miles increased on Saturday it put me at ease to know there were others around me taking one step at a time to check a new accomplishment off on their list.

Overall, the run was a success. I mean, I completed it after all.  Some stops along the way couldn't be helped with red lights and traffic but still they were minimal and I am happy to say that I ran just about the entire time.  For the first 8 miles, I felt pretty good.  My body held up as each footstep pounded the pavement.  At the 8th mile, team organizers had water and Gatorade for us.  It was the perfect time for a quick stretch and to refuel.  As we went on, the steps got harder, and I began feeling tired.  I had ups and downs though,  One minute I would look around and realize that I have just been all over the city on my feet and the next I would wonder when this run would be over because it seemed like forever.  For probably about the last 3-4miles I ran with another person and although the talking was minimal, being side by side helped us both.   After we finished we both verbalized how great it was to have the other next to us.  Maybe it was our rhythm or just that human drive to keep going but whatever it was, it gave us that extra push to make it to the end...for that day anyway. 
That's the thing,  I basked in my accomplishment for the day, wrote about it on facebook, told some friends at a wedding I attended later on but when the next day came, all I could think is,  what is the next run, when do I run again, how does my body feel and can I keep going.  

Don't get me wrong, running 14 miles is the most miles I have ever run so of course I was ecstatic to be able to push myself and finish strong.  But there are still many more weeks to go and many more miles to log.  I am trying very hard to just take one day at a time, enjoy the little accomplishments along the way and reflect on the journey- the good, the bad and the road that still lies ahead. 

 A look back...
This is a picture of the sunrise in Rehoboth.  We decided to get up early on our last day of vacation.  It was so worth it. 

Running along breakwater trail in Rehoboth. Completed 10 miles this day. Nice fuel belt!    

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